Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ultimate guide to 'Drive depression out'

I come up with brilliant plans to drive the blues away... Be it, freaking horrible day in office.. or u just learnt, your latest crush already has a girlfriend...

These have definitely worked for me..

1. Shopping: This most definitely works.. Greater the depression.. More the bill.. I spend mostly on clothes.. then on gadgets.. I think its the excitement of trying something new..
2. Chocolate ice cream: I believe, there is now, scientific evidence that, chocolates have a lot of anti-depressants. Crap I don't need a research organization to tell me that. I knew it, from the day I was born. There is something to it..
3. Movies (in theatre, even better): You get so involved in the movie.. you tend to forget the rest.
4. Drag a friend out for dinner..
5. Blasting music out of the speakers in your room..
6. Office/open source work also helps big way..
7. Last but not the least.. Empty beach.. Thank god I live in Chennai..

Nothing else works..

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Back to Chennai

It is almost a year and half, since,I left Chennai. When I came to Bangalore , I had hope. I had a dream. I had the conviction, that I can get things done. Last few days have been little hard and I seem to have lost my ground. Hopefully, Chennai would help me see through this phase...