I have driven one vehicle or the other all through my life, graduating to a bigger one at every stage in life(Tricycle, cycle, scooter). I never intended to go beyond that for the next few years.. I loved going to office by bike. About ten months back,
amma and I decided to do something wild and get 4-wheeler driving license. She got her license and then a few days later I did too. Getting license was nothing I could be proud of.. (My RTO office is believed to be the most corrupt one, I knew it first hand because I got 4 - wheeler license when I couldnt drive a few meters)..
After a month or so I met with a small accident and I was banned from driving two wheeler. I felt handicapped not because of injuries, but, without my bike. I tried commuting to office by train for a few days, beg my brother to drop me at the station or at a friends place(well I had to bribe him for all these and it was becoming expensive by the day). Finally I couldn't take it anymore, threatened everyone to buy me a new 2 wheeler(We have Honda
Activa, which is now used by my brother). The argument against me was that the vehicle weighs 103
kgs and my shoulder was just healing.. After much tantrums and few tears, it was decided to get a second hand car..
My family never owned a car, we were clueless, as to how to appraise one. Thankfully
amma's friend offered to help and we finally decided on a small
Maurti 800 2nd hand car.. I overrated my driving skills and the car was brought home. An auto driver was appointed to help me with the car(Some driving schools had this scheme that said ladies teach ladies... what bullshit.. I saw one teach her student and am sorry to say, she sucked big time)... Anyways I was lucky to get this tutor.. except for his smoking breaks that he took, he was cool.. Few days, I was on my own.. One day I drove to office with my brother tagging behind me in his 2 wheeler.
To boost my confidence, I would drive alone at nights.. Early morning... Learning to drive was certainly enjoyable. I had trouble driving in first gear, reverse. With time these were taken care of.
There are space issues for car park in my apartments. It is a 20 years old apartment and back then the builder did not have the forethought to provide for car park(not that I blame him).. So around 6 cars are parked in a long strip of space one behind the other. Initially the auto driver would park and take the car out.. but once I was on my own, this was a little tough. But the uncles/friends in my flat where quite understanding and would give valuable suggestions.
As my confidence grew, I decided to take my mom out for shopping. It was around 7.30 PM and this was the first time she was travelling with me. Bang, an lorry driver scrapes my car leaving me motionless.. Analyzing whether it was my mistake or his was just beyond me as I sat zapped. I got off the car to see what was broken and there, I see a scratch and a dent. I had tears in my eyes and almost vowed never to touch a car.. My mom came to my rescue saying soothing words and encouraging me to drive...
I have this L board stuck behind the car and I have no issues with it being there. But one morning I got really wild.. An auto driver, just overtook me and took the liberty swear at my driving skills for no fault of mine. He said something to mean that girls should not be issued license to drive. It took all my strength not to scream back.
Few other goof ups like, I once drove a cool 100 m with hand brake, drove at night without the headlights, bumps hitting the bottom of the car...
The latest to the list was yesterday... I was listening to radio when the car was parked inside the apartment... Boom.. The battery I guess had drained.. This morning the car just refused to start.. I called my brother to help me with the car and it had to be pushed few meters before the car started... I have never been so embarrassed..
But never the less I love my car and I love to drive. It gives me confidence and taught me few people skills...